GRE/GMAT Coaching Class

How will Aara help in GRE/GMAT Coaching?
Aara Education Consultancy test prep Service is the best when it comes to GRE/GMAT Coaching. Here’s why?
- Our courses are designed to cater to diverse learning styles and schedules, offering both online and offline options for maximum flexibility.
- We focus on personalized learning strategies to target individual strengths and weaknesses, ensuring that each student can achieve their highest potential.
- With a track record of exceptional results and student satisfaction, we provide an all-encompassing solution for mastering these challenging exams.
- Free IELTS/TOEFL Coaching
- Personalized Attention
- 99 Percentile Trainers
- Free Diagnostic Test & Demo Sessions
The GMAT Focus Edition is structured into three main sections:
Verbal Reasoning: This section includes 23 multiple-choice questions focused on Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning. It tests skills like:
Critical Reasoning: Evaluates the ability to construct and analyze arguments and develop action plans. Skills tested include analysis, construction, critique, and planning.
Reading Comprehension: Assesses the ability to interpret texts, understand logical connections, draw inferences, and comprehend the evolution of ideas. Skills tested include identifying main and supporting ideas, drawing inferences, applying information, understanding logical structure, and analyzing style.
Quantitative Reasoning: Consisting of 21 multiple-choice questions, this section focuses on problem-solving in arithmetic and algebra, excluding geometry and data sufficiency questions. Skills tested include understanding and application of arithmetic and algebra concepts in problem-solving scenarios.
Data Insights: A new addition, this section comprises 20 questions, including Data Sufficiency, Two-Part Analysis, Multi-Source Reasoning, Graphics Interpretation, and Table Analysis. It tests for data interpretation and analysis, information synthesis, analytical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, decision-making, and comprehension. This section highlights the increasing importance of data literacy and analytics in business.
GRE General Test Overview
About the GRE General Test
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is a standardized test used for admissions to graduate programs worldwide. Administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the GRE General Test assesses a candidate’s abilities in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing.
The GRE General Test closely reflects the kind of thinking you’ll do in today’s demanding graduate school programs, including business and law. It measures your verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills — skills that have been developed over a long period of time and aren’t related to a specific field of study but are important for all.
GRE General Test Sections
- Verbal Reasoning
Skills Tested:
∙ Analyzing and evaluating written material
∙ Synthesizing information
∙ Understanding relationships among parts of sentences
Question Types:
∙ Reading Comprehension
∙ Text Completion
∙ Sentence Equivalence - Quantitative Reasoning
Skills Tested:
∙ Understanding, interpreting, and analyzing quantitative information
∙ Solving problems using mathematical concepts and techniques
Question Types:
∙ Quantitative Comparison
∙ Problem Solving
∙ Data Interpretation - Analytical Writing
Skills Tested:
∙ Articulating complex ideas clearly and effectively
∙ Examining claims and evidence
∙ Supporting ideas with relevant reasons and examples
∙ Tasks:
∙ Analyze an Issue (30 minutes)
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Nidhi Bhadra,
Admitted to KTH Sweden, Masters in Environmental EngineeringExplore our other Services

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